Enhancing the Capacity of Rural Schools to Identify, Prevent, and Intervene in Youth Mental Health Concerns

Our Purpose


In partnership with rural schools, we will develop a comprehensive set of teacher and student surveys, tools, interventions, and professional development materials to help identify, prevent, and intervene in mental health concerns among students.

What will participation for rural school partners look like?
1 Partnership Development

Year 1: Be active partners in the development of tools and materials

2 Expansion of the Early Identification System

Years 2 and 3: Provide input and feedback on the Early Identification System and other materials developed through the Center

3 Evaluation of the Early Identification System Model

Years 4 and 5: Help evaluate the impact of the Early Identification System on students’ academic, social, emotional, and behavioral outcomes Ea, consequatur.

20 percent of school-age children experience mental health issues
Nearly 20 percent of school-age children experience serious mental health issues yet few receive services, a situation exacerbated in rural settings.

Rural communities are incorrectly perceived as having fewer mental health needs given their small populations and low residential density. This along with their geographic isolation and scarce resources has resulted in limited mental health service options for rural youth and their families.

Pie chart representing 20 percent

Nearly 20 percent of school-age children experience serious mental health issues yet few receive services, a situation exacerbated in rural settings.

Rural communities are incorrectly perceived as having fewer mental health needs given their small populations and low residential density. This along with their geographic isolation and scarce resources has resulted in limited mental health service options for rural youth and their families.

In The Media

The current Early Identification System model includes:

teacher and student-report assessment tools
A dashboard system in which
these data are shared with schools and linked to a menu of evidence-based interventions that schools can choose from to implement
A dashboard system in
which these data are shared with schools and linked to a menu of evidence-based interventions that schools can choose from to implement

Web-based professional development and coaching to support the implementation of selected interventions

Tools to monitor
the progress and effectiveness of interventions selected