Early Identification System (EIS) Intervention Hub

EIS Intervention Hub > Attention and Academic Issues

Attention and Academic Issues Icon

Attention and Academic Issues

Select the targeted age group, then the level of intervention.

Attention and Academic Issues occur when students have trouble sitting still, focusing on tasks, finishing their work, and turning in assignments on time. Attention and academic issues can lead to falling behind academically, becoming disengaged with school, as well as externalizing (e.g., acting out to avoid school work) and internalizing problems (e.g., depression due to school failure, anxiety regarding assignments/tests).

Intervention and supports for Attention and Academic Issues focus on increasing executive functioning, on-task behavior, and planning and organizational skills.

The current Early Identification System model includes:

teacher and student-report assessment tools
A dashboard system in which
these data are shared with schools and linked to a menu of evidence-based interventions that schools can choose from to implement
A dashboard system in
which these data are shared with schools and linked to a menu of evidence-based interventions that schools can choose from to implement

Web-based professional development and coaching to support the implementation of selected interventions

Tools to monitor
the progress and effectiveness of interventions selected